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GearUP-GearUpCards-0.2.37 icon


Adding in some game-changing cards to the fray!

Date uploaded a year ago
Version 0.2.37
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Downloads 25500
Dependency string GearUP-GearUpCards-0.2.37

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_ROUNDS-5.4.1100 icon

BepInEx pack for ROUNDS. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.1100
Pykess-ModdingUtils-0.2.7 icon

Utilities aimed at making modding easier and more accessible

Preferred version: 0.2.7
willis81808-UnboundLib-2.10.2 icon

This is a helpful utility for ROUNDS modders aimed at simplifying common tasks.

Preferred version: 2.10.2
Pykess-CardChoiceSpawnUniqueCardPatch-0.1.7 icon

Patches erroneous logic in the base game CardChoice method SpawnUniqueCard

Preferred version: 0.1.7
Pykess-RayHitReflectPatch-0.0.0 icon

Patches a bug in the vanilla game regarding bullet bounces.

Preferred version: 0.0.0
willuwontu-EvenSpreadPatch-0.0.0 icon

Patches the even spread stat to make it work.

Preferred version: 0.0.0
TeamDK-ZeroGBulletPatch-1.1.0 icon

Fixes trajectories of zero-gravity bullets

Preferred version: 1.1.0
Root-RarityLib-1.2.1 icon

A utility library for adding custom rarities to the game.

Preferred version: 1.2.1
Root-UtilityCategories-0.1.0 icon

Adds helpful categories to cards to help target specific groups

Preferred version: 0.1.0


GearUP Cards [0.2.0]

Public Release 0-2-0, build #141

Adding in game-changing mechanics into the modded ROUNDS fray! Bought to you by Pudassassin


Rare Cards

[Anti-Bullet Magick]

  • Unique Magick - Spell caster

  • Blocking casts the spell that deletes all nearby bullets in flight and also in guns' magazines, including yours!

  • All players affected suffer additional 3.5s reload time on top of their own guns' reload time.

  • Caster suffer less penalty from above.

[Hollow Life]

Health Passive

  • Puffs up your total Max HP; you no longer heal as effective and to full health. (Stack multiplicatively)

  • Max HP is multiplied by 3, but also gain -25% HP Cap to the current health and -15% to healing effects. (Heals and Regens)

*Tip: Look for the cards that benefit from having larger Max HP pool, or having you to stay low on health, but definitely not [Pristine Perserverance]!

Uncommon Cards

[Chompy Bullet]

Passive Bullet Modifier

  • Bullets deal bonus damage based on target's current health. Effect varies with gun's firerate.*

  • This will make your gun slightly harder to shoot but will do wonder against the hearty tankers!

*The effect will spread and dilute out the more bullet you can shoot out per second

[Tactical Scanner]

Active Block - Gear equipments

  • Blocking scans nearby players' power: Scanned enemies take more damage. Scanned friendlies heal for more.

  • Also displays a quick summary of the scanned players' combat stats.

  • Ability is improved for additional copies of the card

[Size Normalizer]

Unique Size Modification

  • Set your final player size to default, retaining the current mass and gravity.

  • For when you are going too BEEG or too smol to your liking, moderately boost to health and movement speed.

[Arc of Bullets]

Unique Gun Spread Modification

  • Add and evenly spread bullets in an arc formation.

  • also provides +4 projectiles, +60 degree spread and -35% damage penalty

[Parallel Bullets]

Unique Gun Spread Modification

  • Add and convert bullets spread into a parallel formation. Width scales with projectile counts.

  • the bullets fired will fan out initally before arranging into uniformed trajectory

  • also provides +4 projectiles, initial spread and -65% damage penalty

[Tiberium Bullets]

Passive Bullet Modifier - Tiberium Prophecy

  • Bullets inflict "Tiberium poisoning" on hit, causing burst of HP losses and 'chronic' HP loss, last until respawn (not just one of the revives).

  • +100% of bullet's damage dealt over 4 second burst as HP Removal on hit

  • inflict +5% bullet's damage, +0.05% target's HP and +0.35 chronic flat HP Loss per second on each bullet hit


Active Orb Spell - Orb sage

  • Blocking fires the orb that obliterates part of the map and reduce players' max HP.

  • ALL PLAYERS in the impact area suffer -10% max HP (-15% on direct hit), last until respawn

Common Cards

[Medical Parts]

Health Passive - Material

  • Some hearty doodads to help you survive longer.

  • simply giving you +50% Health and 2 HP/s regen.

* Material cards can be obtained normally or as result of having conflicting cards together.

[Gun Parts]

Gun Passive - Material

  • Attachments and enhancements to up your gun games.

  • simply giving +20% Damage, +20% ATK SPD and +3 to Max Ammo to your gun

[Magick Fragments]

Spell Passive - Glyph

  • This mysterious glyph hasten your spellcasting, but at what cost?

  • on its own, it gives -25% and -0.1s Block Cooldown at the cost of -25% Health.

[Divination Glyph]

Spell Passive - Glyph

  • Your Bullets and Spells reach a little further AND quicker!

  • on its own, it gives +25% Bullet (velocity) Speed and +15% Projectile (simulation) Speed.

[Geometry Glyph]

Spell Passive - Glyph

  • "Simple Geometry!"

  • on its own, it gives +3 Bullet Bounces and +0.15s Reload Time

[Influence Glyph]

Spell Passive - Glyph

  • Improve your Spells' range and effect area.

  • only available when you pick at least 1 'Spell' card-- it does nothing without one!

Note from the modder

There will be more cards planned to expand in each category, here the second beta release give more contents and introducing 'Orb Spell', as well as bug fixes, rebalancing the first beta cards and framework updates

More details can be found over the GitHub

Patch Notes

Public Beta 2-0 [v0.2.0]

  • added [Orb-Literation] and dependencies: map destruction, Max HP culls on impact

  • added [Tiberium Bullet] and dependencies: caustic HP removal bullet modifier

  • added [Arc of Bullets]: evenly spread bullets in arc

  • added [Parallel Bullets]: neatly arranged and focused bullets

  • added [Divination Glyph]: velocity/trajectory. speed to both Spell and Bullets

  • added [Influence Glyph]: spell range/AoE upgrade

  • added [Geometric Glyph]: bounces to both Spell and Bullets

  • added [Potency Glyph]: spell power, add raw damage to Bullets

  • reworked [Size Normalizer] to utilze patch instead of MonoBehavior; works instantly and reliably

  • rebalanced all of the initial release cards

  • rebalanced [Tactical Scanner]

    • AoE radius: 12 (+1.5 per stack)
    • Damage/Heal Amp: 50% per stack
    • Duration: 6 seconds (+1 per stack)
    • Cooldown: 9 seconds (-0.5 per stack)
  • rebalanced [Chompy Bullet]

    • ~15% > ~20% HP Culling; per bullet-- at default gun firerate
    • -25% > -15% DMG, ATKSPD and Reload SPD
    • Stackable with diminishing return
  • completed [Shield Battery]

    • 2 Empowered shot capacity
    • no longer give an extra block
    • +0.5s block cooldown
    • -25% attack speed
  • all block ability cooldowns start at 2.0s at battle starts

Under the hood:

  • Implemented HollowLifeEffect mono to handle temp HP caps incurred by [Orb-Literation] and possibly future cards

  • Chompy Bullet now only add one instance of the effect to each bullet, they will calculate the effect on the fly

  • Disabled redundancy system that iterate and resolve unique and/or mutually exclusive cards (it will be other mods' faults that breach allowMultiple/black/whitelisting system)

Public Beta 1-2 [v0.1.13]

  • Under the hood reworks of healing and damage multipliers.

  • [Tactical Scanner] now properly modify healings and damages taken and ignore all direct health changes.

  • [Hollow Life] changes:

    • rarity changed to Rare
    • Max HP gains changed from x2.5 to 3x
    • now giving -15% healing effects; reducing healing and regeneration
  • Reduced the delay caused by card conflict resolver at the start of each round.

Public Beta 1-1 [v0.1.9]

  • Patched the logic behind the monobehavior that manages and prevents card conflicts, to execute from the main mod class instead of from each players!
  • [Shield Battery] sneak peak

Public Beta 1-0 [v0.1.0]

  • It all begins. Starting out with 5 wacky cards and 3 minor all-around passive cards


Patch Notes

Public Beta 4-2 [V0.4.2]
  • make cards and spells that deal direct HP subtraction and life drains to utilize Heal(negative) function for proper interaction with damage-taken multipliers and to support displaying with [DamageTracker]

  • nerfed [Replication Glyph]

    • +3 > +2 Gun Projectiles
    • -25% > -35% ATK SPD
    • 0.0s > +0.25s Reload Time
  • put a limit behind [Supply Drop!] to only have 1 ongoing 'delivery' at a time

    • also have unlisted effect to temporarly blacklist CardManipulation and BoosterPack cards until the drop.
Public Beta 4-0 [V0.4.0]

Implemented [Booster Pack] mechanic:

  • added [Vintage Gears] redraw and pick 3 vanilla cards of uncommon or lower rarity.
  • added [Veteran's Friend] redraw and pick 1 guaranteed rare vanilla card.
  • added [Supply Drop] do nothing now, next round's card pick you get to pick +3 more cards of Uncommon or lower rarity.
  • updated [Glyph CAD Module] to give 1 Glyph card of your choice.
  • added [Pure Canvas] -- a [Shuffle] that excludes Glyph, Spell and Magick cards from appearing.


  • added [Replication Glyph] -- more gun projectiles! MOAR SPELL PROJECTILE!!
  • added [Mystic Missile] -- a passive spell card that enchants gun-fired bullets with explosive arcane energy, scales with glyphs and additional copies.

Other changes:

Buffed [Aracane Sun]

  • stronger start + ramp up rate
  • update beam and sun visual codes
  • fixed delayed activation at battle start

Rebalance [Flak Cannon]

  • severely limiting primary gun firerate, bursts and #projectiles gains
  • now only some shrapnels carry effects while the rest is only carrying basic bullet stats

Buffed [Anti-Bullet Magick]

  • affecting larger area and lasting longer at base level

Scaled up [Tiberium Bullets]

  • inflicts more life drains proportional to gun's damage
  • also incurs more self life drains on pick up


  • Reworked how [Arc of Bullets] and [Parallel Bullets] spread the bullets and fixed the issue with burst-fire guns
Public Beta 3-0 [V0.3.1]
  • added [Bullets.rar] trim down bullet spams (projectile counts) in exchange for more damage per bullets

  • added [Guardians Charm] boosts block card draw chance and 'block cards draw more block cards' (no longer the card pack's default mechanic)

  • added [Lifeforce Duorblity] orb spell of mobile Heal & DMG zone

  • added [Lifeforce Blast!] orb spell with explosive Heal/Damage and then boost/hinder healings afterward

  • added [Arcane Sun] spell that passively deal ramping DPS + "Damage Amp" debuff

  • added [Portal Magick] Unique Magick, "Now you're thinking with Portals"

  • buffed [Orb-literation] increased base radius and amount of Max HP culls on impact

  • Reworked [Parallel Bullets] make it so it properly arranges in parallel and scales with gun spread & proj. counts

  • Spells passively boost glyphs' draw chances

  • Spells compatible with controller

  • Improved/fixed issues with card draw rarity/weight adjustment

  • Block-based ability cooldowns start at 0.5s at battle start; should be available when grace period is over.

Public Beta 2-0 [v0.2.0]
  • added [Orb-Literation] and dependencies: map destruction, Max HP culls on impact

  • added [Tiberium Bullet] and dependencies: caustic HP removal bullet modifier

  • added [Arc of Bullets] evenly spread bullets in arc

  • added [Parallel Bullets] neatly arranged and focused bullets

  • added [Divination Glyph] velocity/trajectory. speed to both Spell and Bullets

  • added [Influence Glyph] spell range/AoE upgrade

  • added [Geometric Glyph] bounces to both Spell and Bullets

  • added [Potency Glyph] spell power, add raw damage to Bullets

  • reworked [Size Normalizer] to utilze patch instead of MonoBehavior; works instantly and reliably

  • rebalanced all of the initial release cards

  • all block ability cooldowns start at 2.0s at battle starts

Under the hood:

  • Implemented Hollow Life mechanic to handle temp HP caps incurred by [Orb-Literation] and possibly future cards

  • [Chompy Bullet] and any future bullet modifiers only add one instance of the effect to each bullet, they will calculate the effect on the fly

  • Disabled redundancy system that iterate and resolve unique and/or mutually exclusive cards (it will be other mods' faults that violates the backbones of the system)

Public Beta 1-2 [v0.1.13]
  • Under the hood reworks of healing and damage multipliers.

  • [Tactical Scanner] now properly modify healings and damages taken and ignore all direct health changes.

  • [Hollow Life] changes:

    • rarity changed to Rare
    • Max HP gains changed from x2.5 to 3x
    • now giving -15% healing effects; reducing healing and regeneration
  • Reduced the delay caused by card conflict resolver at the start of each round.

Public Beta 1-1 [v0.1.9]

  • Patched the logic behind the monobehavior that manages and prevents card conflicts, to execute from the main mod class instead of from each players!
  • [Shield Battery] sneak peak

Public Beta 1-0 [v0.1.0]

  • It all begins. Starting out with 5 wacky cards and 3 minor all-around passive cards